Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wonderful Houston

It is crazy to think that a month has already passed by. Things here are great. Sadly, several of the pictures I planned to post got erased from my memory card! I really am not a fan of this camera. Anyway, I figured I would update with words and some pictures. Bailey continues to eat well. We have tried bannanas, sweet potatoes, apple sauce (thanks Mom Bishop), rice cereal, and avacado. She has liked them all. Also, she has started to sit up which she learned quite quickly from watching her cousin Jaylee. One of the pictures we lost was when Bailey was sitting in the laundry basket. She sat there for about 30 minutes playing with her toys while Mom and Dad played Killer Bunnies (you can ask Dave). It was the cutest thing! The pictures below are my meager attempt to put her hair into a small elastic. At least she doesn't have boy hair that is plastered to her head :)!
Also, our garden is doing awesome. We have learned of a few things that do extremely well in Texas: lettuce and peppers. It is fun to make a sandwich and use your own lettuce!Sadly we have also learned what does not do well, which is my favorite garden treat, cucumbers! As you can see they are not doing well and this is our third try!
We feel so blessed for Dave's good job and a wonderful life.

Her bowl got stuck on her ear!

We have already tripled the number of tomatoes we got last year (we have 3!)

squash apparently does well too.

She looks like a little who.


Dave and Sherri said...

I miss being there SO much! I love seeing the green too! BAILEY LOOKS SO SO SO SO CUTE!!!! I'm super impressed you got that elastic in her hair - good job!

Alison said...

She is so cute! I am jealous of your garden. The only thing in our right now is SNOW!!!!

Becca J said...

Cute little pigtail!! Gotta love the lush of Houston!

Lora said...

So cute her one little piggy! Your garden sounds fabulous..Way to go!

thepainterfamily said...

haha! I love her pigtail! I can't believe how "big girl" she is looking!

Love that garden update! It is looking fabulous! YUM!