Monday, July 13, 2009

Swimming and Poison Control

Bailey went swimming for the first time in our neighborhood pool. She just loves the water. We had a great time.

We had our first and I am sure not last incident with Poison Control. Bailey often enjoys playing with things that are not meant to be toys. We usually will give her pretty much anything to play with as long as it isn't breakable and it won't hurt her...well, oops! This compass seemed to be an innocent toy, but we soon found out that there was permanent marker along the straight edges. She soon had marker everywhere. Poison control was really nice and said she should be just fine. Maybe permanent marker has extra iron which could be nice for Bailey!
Harmless enough right?!?
If you look closely at her right hand you can se it is also covered with marker. Daddy doesn't look too happy about this!


Dave and Sherri said...

That's awesome! Love the pool. It looks so much fun. Crazy what kids will get into trouble with, huh? I'm glad she's okay :) Great pictures and video! We can't wait to see you next month!

thepainterfamily said...

oh, those poison control people must love their jobs! They hear the funniest stories! :)

Once I called because Zach (prob about Bailey's age) got a hold of some hand sanitizer and ate it...his breath smelled like alcohol and I got nervous. The lady at PC was so very matter of fact. She asked for his weight and I could hear her typing something into the computer. Then she came back with "Well, looks like he would have had to ingest 1 1/4 cups to be dangerous."

I was like oh, ok...well, I'm sure it wasn't THAT much. thanks. haha!