Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricane IKE

For those of you who are wondering, we managed to make it through the hurricane fairly well. Although we were out of power for about a week, we are grateful for food storage and good neighbors. We lost part of our fence, some branches fell, and we have a lot of leaves but other than that we turned out pretty good. Here are some pictures of our home. We really were blessed. Also, last Friday night, the night of the hurricane we were going to have Chinese takeout from our kitchen :) and we were in the middle of making Orange Chicken when the power went out. That is what the picture of the dark kitchen is. Needless to say, we had a romantic candelit dinner!


Kristen M said...

i'm so glad you guys made it out okay. i'm guessing you have power back now? hopefully! your backyard looks like a really cool yard (even despite the damage).

Ginger said...

Hey Dave. Glad to hear from you. Congratulations on your new baby. The nursery is very cute-good job!

mikeandash said...

Crazy stuff! I'm glad you are doing well and have your power back!